Unter dem Motto „Navigating the digital shift: practices and possibilities“ findet vom 11. bis 13. November 2019 in Birmingham die Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities 2019 statt. Die Konferenzreihe wird von den nationalen Archiven und den Forschungsbibliotheken in Großbritannien ausgerichtet.
Zu folgenden Themen können noch bis 26. April 2019 Beiträge eingereicht werden:
- Rise of the machines: artificial intelligence, interpretation, and creativity
- Digital inclusion: use of digital technology to increase engagement with collections amongst diverse communities and open up collections to new audiences
- Internet of Things: augmenting and evaluating audience engagement
- User insight and respecting data privacy
- Google and the catalogue: equipping the researcher for 21st-century research
- The record: authenticity and trust
- The effect of the digital shift on collecting practices
- Putting digital collections to work to enable digital scholarship and creativity
- Scan it, save it, sell it?: funding, commercial opportunities and entrepreneurship
- The challenge of born digital records: preservation, discoverability, and use
- Navigating the shift in skills, practices, and professional culture in the digital age
- Meaningful engagement: measures and metrics to chart the impact of digital collections
- The challenge of discoverability of digital records